
South Africa


To Dwesa and Back by Tony Voss 

For Benjamin I Walk Talk Walking We had an idea to take a walk, gowalking, not a stroll and not a hike, justa walk, going for a walk, knowing youcan stop, feeling the elements: the earth beneath your feet, the rain waiting, the airmoving, the fire waiting. The walkingworld doesn’t pass you by, it comes with you.You’re not driven and if you’re on the rightbearing, you can always rest. Any placecan…

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Where to? by Jumoke Verissimo

Of dreams on wings… My toddler daughter loves butterflies. She says aeroplanes are iron butterflies and I do not fault the logic. I think of it at the airport as I wait for my flight to be announced; is the butterfly’s transformation a metaphor for the aeroplane advancing dreams from one state to another? I’m waiting for a metamorphosis into the one who writes a dream, and so I let…

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